Our Environmental Commitment to Biodiversity Conservation
In Mexico, there are 760 species in danger of extinction. Human activities have an impact on the environment, but this can be mitigated with effort and commitment.
SPIC-Zuma Energía preserves and restores the ecosystems where it has a presence.
We recognize the invaluable work of our HSEQ Department employees and appreciate their dedication to caring for the environment.
18, 2024 - por Administrador

Mexico City, April 18, 2024 - According to a study by the Government's Institute of Ecology, there are approximately 760 endangered species in Mexico. Therefore, every day it becomes necessary to implement actions to protect both animals and their habitats. In this context, SPIC-Zuma Energía reaffirms its commitment to the environment and the conservation of the country's flora and fauna.
As a company conscious of environmental responsibility, we strive to implement concrete measures to mitigate our impact on the natural environment. Through our HSEQ (Health, Safety, Environment, and Quality) Department, under the leadership of our Environmental Manager, Rogelio Serrano, and with the support of our biologists Jorge Pérez and José María, we carry out exhaustive monitoring of the ecosystem around the perimeter of our plants.
Our commitment is not limited to sustainable energy generation; we also strive to preserve and restore the ecosystems in which we operate. To this end, we have implemented several actions, including the following:
- Reforestation: We ensure that trees and other plant species affected by our activities are replaced by new specimens in areas suitable for their growth, offsetting our biological impact on the area's flora.
- In-plant instruction workshops: We train our employees on the proper management of endemic flora and fauna, promoting responsible practices that respect the natural environment. For example, at our Potrero solar farm in Jalisco, which is frequently visited by a family of wild boars, without adequate training not only the ecological balance is put at risk, but also the safety of our employees.
- Relocation of flora and fauna: When necessary, we relocate species that may be affected by our operations, guaranteeing their survival and preserving biological diversity, respecting their migratory patterns and territorial needs. We promote a future where coexistence between our species and the natural world is increasingly harmonious.
These actions reflect our commitment to environmental conservation and our efforts to minimize our ecological footprint. We recognize the invaluable work of our employees in the HSEQ Department and thank them for their dedication to environmental stewardship.