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Mercadito del viento

Mercadito del viento

Location: Reynosa, Mexico

We have made a constant effort to work in coordination with teachers, parents and community leaders to identify the most pressing needs of the community in the context of the pandemic. Among these needs was the need for access to basic foodstuffs and hygiene articles, given the increase in unemployment due to the pandemic and the geographical location of the communities, which are far from the centers of consumption in the state.

The “Mercadito del Viento" was developed in collaboration with a local organization, which served to promote awareness of the importance of following the hygiene and prevention protocols established by the health authorities while facilitating access to a balanced diet for families and the provision of hygiene supplies necessary for the implementation of the protocols of Covid-19 in family spaces.

A total of 6 "Mercaditos del Viento" were held in which more than 3 tons of healthy food and more than 3,000 kits with hygiene and prevention items were handed out to benefit more than 300 families from all the communities near Reynosa Wind Park.

The main objectives achieved with this initiative:

  • Given the scarcity of resources and consumer goods, the "little markets" allowed to bring to the community supplies for the prevention of Covid-19 and basic food basket products to promote good eating habits and hygiene.
  • The events also fulfill a pedagogical function, in that they bring the reality of the pandemic closer to the community, materializing practices and protocols about which the members of these ejidos have theoretical, but not practical, knowledge.
  • The deployment of a communication strategy for the organization of these events and within the framework of the pandemic allowed us to maintain a constant presence in the community, strengthening the company's relationship with its members.
  • These activities allow us to work on community building, which allows us to follow up on initiatives and identify other areas of opportunity or challenges in the future.