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Building of Classrooms

Location: Santo Domingo, Ingenio, Mexico

We promote educational improvement so that children and young people have access to quality education, in healthy environments and with state-of-the-art conditions that allow them to have better life opportunities. In partnership with the municipality of Santo Domingo Ingenio, Oaxaca, we built two audiovisual media classrooms in a secondary school and a technological high school. In addition, we also equipped the schools with furniture and computers.

The main objectives achieved with this initiative:

  • Improve access to technology for students in the municipality of Santo Domingo Ingenio and "break" the technological gap due to lack of public resources
  • Generate tangible benefits in complex social contexts with high levels of conflict
  • Public infrastructure works allow the social benefits of the company to have a greater impact on the population and not only on a specific sector or group
  • The students, being direct beneficiaries of the company's investments, are becoming aware of the benefits of renewable energy companies in the region