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Social Voltage

Location: Galeana, Mexico

The Zuma team carried out the "Social Voltage" program for high school students in coordination with teachers, parents and community leaders in the identification of the main problems of the community, among them were: pollution, illiteracy, upkeep of parks, animal abuse, poverty and access to education. Given the high level of participation in the schools, it was decided that the activities carried out in the program would be credited as hours invested in social service. A total of 8 social projects were carried out.

The main objectives achieved with this initiative:

  • The diagnosis of the needs of young people allows them to analyze the opportunities for improvement in their communities and turns them into active subjects and promoters of social change.
  • Community ownership and collective action is strengthened through partnerships and common goals for the benefit of the community.
  • These activities allow the company to generate a social link between various actors in the communities and identify local leaders who could have a relationship with the plant.
  • The implementation of this type of initiative positions the company as a facilitator of knowledge and inputs, under a scheme of co-responsibility, in which it is perceived as a collaborator and not a supplier.
  • Through these initiatives, the company shares important information about it, highlighting the importance of renewable energy, destroying myths about it and making it participate in the benefits that are generated both environmentally and socially.