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Energy Efficiency

Energy Efficiency

Location: Hermosillo, Mexico

In partnership with the Technological University of Hermosillo (UTH), we installed and implemented an energy efficiency system, as well as a scalable monitoring and control system with local and remote access for the University.

Among the main improvements are:

  • 24 temperature sensors connected to the monitoring and control system
  • Integration of 10 Carlo Gavazzi meters to the monitoring and control system through the general meter
  • 24 self-closing arms for doors
  • 18 vacancy sensors for lighting off control in classrooms and laboratories
  • 2 multi technology presence sensors for each auditorium
  • 3 infra-red presence sensors for corridors
  • 1 x 3 kW photovoltaic system with bi-facial modules and micro inverters connected to the monitoring and control system
  • 1 photovoltaic system of 5kw with three-phase central inverter connected to the monitoring and control system
  • 1 photovoltaic system of 5kw with micro inverters connected to the monitoring and control system
  • Installation of environmental sensor, dust sensor, lightning sensor, solar radiation meter and weather station, connected to the monitoring and control system

The main objectives achieved with this initiative: 

  • We collaborated in a direct way for the UTH to reduce considerably the electric energy billing
  • Students had access to hands-on learning about the installation and operation of the equipment
  • The assistance provided by specialists in the field and the installation by students and teachers allowed an appropriation of the initiative which brings greater value and provides better care for the equipment
  • Different conferences were held for both students and teaching staff regarding the importance of technological innovation, renewable energies and care for the environment
  • The company is perceived as an ally for the education of young people and as a promoter of new technologies